Inspiration for the home cook…
Recipes are a creative way to drive engagement with customers. Partnered with visual images (and we all love sexy food shots) and trending food topics, recipes will inspire and drive customers in the direction you’d like them to go…directly to your product in retail, to your website or social media platforms.
Use that product UP!
Say you have a relatively common product or something that is perceived challenging to the average home cook. Recipes are a great way to bridge these issues and turn them into creative solutions. Not to mention that giving customers a multitude of ways to utilize your product will create additional demand and an increased frequency of a repeat sale.
Hungry Hungry Customers…
Recipes are an SEO goldmine. Creating recipes that are following the trend patterns will consistently channel customers to your website. And by being seen as a reliable recipe leader will lead to more brand recognition and increased feelings of trust, connection and community with your customers.
Market Diversity…
Just because your product might be intended for a specific cuisine type doesn’t mean that it can’t creatively be used for another, i.e.; fish sauce as a secret ingredient for meatloaf and chicken noodle soup (it’s an umami ‘bang-a-rang’ ingredient) or ketchup for sweet and sour Chinese takeout-style glazes, etc… You’ll attract a wider range of customer demographics by broadening the creativity.
Are you interested in getting cranking on making deliciously sticky recipes? Let's connect!